Principal's Message

Principal Greg Terrell

Learning with Purpose and Passion

Our vision for the school is that ‘students are at the centre of all that we do’.

It is with great privilege that I introduce myself as the Principal of Bonython Primary School.

Bonython Primary School is a friendly, safe and supportive learning environment where students are challenged to achieve their personal best. Our motto of learning with purpose and passion underpins our beliefs that our students learn best when there is meaning, context and high levels of engagement and empowerment. We work in partnership with our families to develop positive learning experiences for our students where curiosity, creativity and passion is harnessed in a contemporary classroom.

Bonython Primary School provides a well balanced and fluid educational program which places emphasis on all aspects of The Australian Curriculum. We believe that children bring a natural curiosity to school and inquire into the world around them. Our inquiry classrooms are places where our educators provide highly intentional teaching to grow the capacity of all students and develop purposeful and passionate life long learners.  We pride ourselves on knowing our students well and having a broad understanding of how to cater for their learning needs. We focus on individual next steps in the learning process and how students can get there effectively.

We teach the ‘whole’ child and have a strong focus on learning assets, skills and dispositions to enable each child to develop as a productive and active citizen of the community. We believe in teaching students the importance of collaboration, being a self manager, developing strong communication skills, being a critical thinker and a proactive researcher. These assets are valued and taught to students so they can be literate, numerate and active members of our community.

The focus for our learning is based on the success skills that all people need to be active, successful and happy citizens in our global society. Students learn about the important success skills of empathy, integrity, self management, embracing diversity, grit and how to foster these skills into learning and their lives.

We believe that education is a partnership between school and home and greatly appreciate the active role that our families and community partnerships can play in developing our students to be the leaders of tomorrow.

Bonython Primary School is a wonderful place for your child to learn and grow. On behalf of our dedicated staff we welcome you to our community and look forward to working with you and your child.

Greg Terrell